Saturday, November 23, 2013

Weekly Focus

OK last post for me! The challenge for next week is #1 on the Skinny Rules that I posted about earlier...

Lets all try to drink a large glass of water before each meal this week. I think it makes you feel fuller and then you eat less. Plus water is super good for you too!

Good luck!


  1. I actually just read an article this morning about how regularly drinking water improves your mood, gives you more energy, and promotes weight loss. It's one of the simplest things we can do.

  2. It also helps with better less oily hair and skin, less muscle tension and stress.

  3. I also saw an idea on Pinterest to get a water bottle and draw lines on it with times like 10am, 12 pm etc and at that time your water should be to that line (meaning you drank that much and are on track for the day). I'm thinking about getting two water bottles (32 oz each) and marking them this way so I get in my 64 oz a day.
