Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Schedule

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for all coming out to the walk this morning! It's so much easier to get out and do something when you've got people to do it with. Hopefully you all had a good time and thought it was worthwhile. It will be nice to get out and do that each week for anyone who can make it.

In talking about how we would like this blog to work and what we think will be most effective, we thought it would be fun to give each family an assigned week to post. During those weeks, we would like your family to try and post 3 things:

1 - A motivational post, a success story, something that is working well for you, something you have been thinking about, a goal you have set for yourself, something you read...etc

2 - A recipe or snack idea

3 - A focus or challenge for the following week

These posts do not need to be long so don't worry about them taking too much time.

Here is the schedule:

Week of

November 18: Krishelle

November 25: Jeff and Krisanda

December 2: Eli

December 9: Andy and Micalyne

December 16: Kaylee

December 23: Mom and Dad

At the end of your week when you are posting the focus for the next week, please also remind the next person on the schedule that they have the next week.

After we get through these 6 weeks we will start over with me.

Please let us know if you have any suggestions or ideas or think something should be changed.

Thanks! Love you all!!

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