Thursday, December 19, 2013

This week I haven't been able to post so here are three things...

Water is something everybody needs and should have or they could die.
If you think about it some people don't have any water and usually end 
up dyeing or getting sick. That proves my point that everybody needs 
water. We should just enjoy it while we can because some day we are                                              going to end up without food and water. Proving my point, Water is 
something everyone needs and should always have.

Carbs are evil… If I could choose over carbs and kissing a pig I would 
kiss the pig. The things about carbs is they make you…well… FAT…!!!!
(most of the time). Anyways we should stay away from carbs and watch
what we eat. I know its probably hard because its hard for me too but
I know you can do it. Try this, before you go to get something to eat think 
" What is going to make me healthier  and cut down carbs?". Try eating
apples or maybe some vegetable. Proving my point, Carbs ARE evil…!!!!

                                                       Try it!
Try eating a light breakfast every morning like grains.
Turns out skipping breakfast makes you want to eat more throughout 
the day and so you would gain more. The healthier your breakfast the more 
energized you will feel throughout the day and you won't need to eat later.

                                                                                                                  - Kaylee

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Weekly Focus: Carbs

One of the many reasons why Americans have such a difficult time losing weight and keeping it off is that we have gotten into the habit of eating way too many carbohydrates and way too late in the day. Common carbohydrates, such as bread, are pack with calories in the form of sugar and unless you are actively working out on a daily basis and to a great degree, these carbs turn to fat.

Research shows that carbs are particularly dangerous later in the day when we start to wind down. And most Americans load their LARGE dinners full of white breads and other sugars, mere hours before they climb into bed until morning. Research has also shown that people tend to have a much greater success with weight loss by not only limiting their general carb intake but also by NOT eating carbs after lunch. Additionally, not eating carbs for dinner helps you sleep better.

So, the focus of the week: I want everyone to try meals for dinner that are very low on carbohydrates (or have no carbohydrates at all). See how this makes you feel. If you are wondering whether a certain food is packed with them, look it up. If it is, find a substitute.